“I’ll melt your money blocks for you”

I feel like I hear this so, so often. It triggers me, and I feel like I’ve finally figured out why.

How disempowering is it to have someone else be in control of your growth, learning, and ability to create?

This fully makes me think of the archetypes that this speaks to, and what a beautiful marketing trick it is to appeal to that archetype though.

In Deborah Price’s Money Magic, she describes eight money types, and this speaks to the innocent. And I should know. That’s the main pattern I can fall into when I’m not aware and intentional.

The innocent is much like the Jungian innocent. They’re your golden retriever personified, seeing possibility and joy and good in the world. And in the money archetypes, the innocent is the trusting human who, when overwhelmed, can stick their head in the sand or look to someone else who ‘knows more’ to save them.

Can you see how the idea of someone fixing you appeals to the innocent?

But where is the sustainability of this setup? The innocent will always search for their savior until they realize they have the capacity to save themselves. In fact, they’re the only ones who can save themselves. They just might want a little scaffolding for those early steps, like the training wheels on your bike.

Learning about and getting intimate with our money archetypes is a part of the work I do with clients, and as I’ve been writing and reflecting, I’ve realized where the power in the archetypal framework I use is.

Folks, there are lots and lots of archetypal frameworks out there. I love Ken Honda’s money types, and there is also the Sacred Money Archetypes. But what I love about Deborah’s money types is how the Warrior and the Magician scream divine masculine and divine feminine to me (note, this is my interpretation, but I like to think Deborah would agree!)

Because of this, the framework gives you a lens through which you can choose aligned action, as well as getting an idea of the underlying beliefs that create your current situation.

So this is the thing.

LIke I said, the Innocent is the pattern that I can fall into. And I’ve felt taken advantage of, with people making big promises of things that are out of their control.

Part of my practice is noticing when my Innocent is triggered, and owning my own power. And I am so passionate about making sure that my clients see that power in themselves too.

I remind myself that I have my resourceful Warrior and my intuitive Magician, and I have what I need and can practice discernment with the ideas I am given.

If you’re curious about money types, hop over here to learn more.

I’m curious. Did any of this generate a-has for you?


Exploring our stories and gentle action


The Power of Archetypes