Money relationship? Don’t you mean mindset?
Brittany Tam Brittany Tam

Money relationship? Don’t you mean mindset?

Money mindset is getting to be a big thing these days, but I’m not a fan of the term. There’s a hardness to mindset, which I think comes down to how it’s defined… “ a mental attitude or inclination”. It implies a level of dominance over money and over our brains, as though things would all just work out beautifully if we could get over our heads and grind it out.

But aren’t you done with hard? Aren’t you done with ‘not enough’? What if we could be kinder, gentler to ourselves?

So let’s try on the term ‘relationship’. I don’t know about you, but it feels right to me. We’re not putting any value statements on ourselves. We’re not putting any value statements on money. We’re just looking at the relationship between the two, from a point of curiosity, wondering how this relationship is working for us right now.

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