Becoming a Certified Money Coach (CMC)® and a Reiki Master

Over the last couple of weeks, a couple of certifications came in the mailbox, and I can’t tell you how excited I am. I am now a Certified Money Coach (CMC)® AND a Reiki Master.

I’ve always held a desire to know more. I was probably born with this, but as I write this, a particular memory in adulthood comes to mind.

Once upon a time, I was in the world of education. During my practicum, I was blessed with the most incredible mentor. Justeen was passionate, reflective, knowledgeable, a model of lifelong learning, and fun to boot!

One thing she said during a debriefing meeting has forever stuck.

“Early Years teachers are the greatest shoppers in the world.”

Does that make zero sense to you? I was confused at first, too.

She went on…

“There are so many different theories and ways of doing things, and you can’t just know one and have it be your answer to everything. The kids come in with different needs, and it’s our job to know what’s available out there, so we know what we can offer each of them.”

This idea drove me to fill my toolbox and intimately know my tools. I wanted to have choices at my fingertips to offer to the children who came across my path. I’m convinced that this, plus my empath superpowers, were why I was such a good teacher and ended up with such diverse classes.

You’re probably thinking, “Cute story. What on earth does this have to do with anything?

Good question!

I’ve been working on filling my toolbox when it comes to serving you, people who are wondering how to create a relationship with money that feels lighter, more loving, more joyful, and particularly, more supportive. That means working on the emotional, spiritual, and behavioral aspects of your relationship with money, as well as the practical pieces of working with money.

To that end, I have a couple of new certificates to my name and some new tools at my disposal in my client work.

Certified Money Coach (CMC)®

When I first came upon the money coaching certification program run by the Money Coaching Institute, it was my angels singing in harmony moment. It was the formalization of what I had already been exploring with clients, from the understanding that we need more than financial literacy to engage with money meaningfully.

As a Certified Money Coach (CMC)®, our work involves bringing together the emotional, spiritual, and psychological aspects of our relationship with money, then addressing financial literacy and guidance.

Money coaching provides a framework for understanding the patterns of behavior and a reference point that you can use when making choices about money and your life.

The thing I’m most excited about bringing in with the Certified Money Coach (CMC)® designation is the Core Process. Honestly, it beautifully represents how I had been working with clients but on steroids (which also means it might not be suitable for everyone).

The power of the Core Process is an incredible awareness of what is happening in your relationship with money today. You also understand where your current behavior patterns came from.

And from my work with clients in this process, I’ve seen how awareness alone can create massive shifts. It’s incredible how much easier it is to exercise self-compassion when you know how your choices today make sense because of your life experiences.

This process might be your missing piece if you’re great at connecting goals to action plans, have some financial literacy, and have accountability systems in place. However, I have seen how if those other pieces aren’t in place, you can fall back into the patterns of behavior that brought you to this exploration, to begin with.

I’m not saying this because I’m selling you on ME to be your person for filling those gaps! I want sustained change for you. I want you to flourish and feel joy and love. And if you’re called to me, cool.

But maybe you have a biz bestie who’s also great at providing perspective and holding you accountable. Or you have a business coach to whom you can say, “Here’s what I want, here are the patterns I know I can fall into, and I need you to hold me accountable and notice when I’m encountering resistance, and give me a loving, gentle nudge.”

If you’re curious about the Core Process, please reach out for a pitch-free call. I love connecting with people, learning more about their thoughts, and working to generate clarity. Maybe the Core Process is just what you need, and maybe it’s not. And both of those are okay, and to be honored!

Reiki Master (or technically, Usui Reiki Third Degree - Master Teacher)

What seems like an age ago, I was called to explore reiki with my dear friend Jacquie Metzger (and honestly, if you wanted to book time on my calendar just to GUSH over Jacquie, I’m down). I can’t tell you how transformative that experience has been for me.

The most incredible part of my journey with Jacquie is sitting in expansiveness with her. With her, I gained the confidence to learn the rules and why they’re there, then learn how to allow my intuition to bring additional tools to the table.

What’s in this for you? In all honesty, I haven’t got a vision for how this looks in my work with coaching clients, but if you’re hoping to explore this, let me know! We can explore how to incorporate this into our work together.

If you’re looking for inspiration about how we could apply this to money coaching, let me give you a personal example. At one point, I was experiencing a lot of resistance to letting go of an investment. My brain wanted to do it, but I couldn’t take action.

Through my exploration, I realized how my inaction was about the ties I had to my mother. Once I understood the connection between this investment and my mother, it was much easier to release energetic cords, exercise love and compassion, and then take the action I wanted.

An admission

As I write, I’m reminded that I used to chase learning because I believed I was not enough.

The narrative that would go through my head was about how I don’t know enough, so I need to learn more, and when I know more, I will finally be worthy, seen, respected, and loved. Oof, what a hard place to live in.

With some of the work I have done, I’ve gotten myself to seek learning purely because I am curious. My learning now helps me engage in that curiosity more deeply.

With the Certified Money Coach (CMC)® designation, I have another tool that helps me get to the core of my clients’ behavior patterns going on today.

With my reiki training, I get to explore different ways of alchemizing emotions and explore how our emotions might be showing up in the body.

Can you feel the difference in that?

Learning because I have a void to fill v.s. learning because I’m curious.

A question for you to ponder then:

What is the energy behind your personal and professional development?
What does it tell you about your heart’s and soul’s needs right now?

P.S. Have questions or aha’s about anything I’ve talked about? Please share them with me! I love how when we are in relationship with each other, we’re prompted to deeper thinking.


The Power of Archetypes


On shifting energy